Hello all – I hope you’re enjoying the festive season.
I’ve got some fantastic news and an exciting gift offer to thank you for your support and interest in RHP – more on that in a second.
2015 has been a great year here at RHP.
On a personal level, I’m very fortunate to have had my work featured in many of the biggest fitness and media publications around the World. For example, I’m very proud that my ‘6 Female Fitness Mistakes & How You Can Fix Them‘ article became the Most Read Daily Mail Fitness article in the World.
I’m delighted to have received such brilliant reviews on the positive fitness messages and information I enjoy giving out.
More importantly though, all of RHP’s Personal Training & Online Fitness Coaching clients continue to achieve amazing Body Transformation and Sports Fitness results. I’m so grateful for and humbled by the wonderful Testimonials many people in the RHP community have shared and I’m excited to share another half-dozen or so with you in the first few weeks of the New Year.
RHP expands into new Private Personal Training Studio location
With the above in mind, I’m absolutely delighted to tell you that from 4th January 2016, RHP is expanding from its founding facility and opening the doors to a beautiful new Private Personal Training Studio premises.
The stunning location of Seer Green is nestled between the likes of Beaconsfield, Amersham, High Wycombe & Gerrards Cross, and just 20 minutes from Marylebone in West London.
1075 sq ft of training space is dedicated for all of RHP’s signature, top notch exercise kit. Attendance is also capped to a maximum of 3 people at a time in RHP’s innovative Semi-Private Personal Training sessions. You can do what you want, when you want and work out with like-minded people without having to contend with oversized egos who think they own the place.
One-to-One Personal Training is of course still available.
The new RHP PT Studio is truly a playground for people who want fun, completely individualised and coaching-based ‘Results Driven Fitness’ – away from the crowded, big-box, impersonal and often intimidating high-street gyms.
Keep your eyes peeled (both here and on the RHP Facebook & Twitter pages) at the start of 2016 for the (soon-to-be-revealed) fully revamped RHP Website and Personal Training Packages (including a brand new 30-Day Trial package) that I am thrilled to offer to you.
That gift…
As a preview and potentially a wonderful Christmas gift for someone special (if like me you’re doing most of your gift-shopping today…), I’d like to give you a Free RHP Personal Training Session to say thank you for your support and interest in RHP, and wish you a very Happy Christmas.
Simply email hello@resultshpgym.co.uk with the code ‘FREE RHP PT SESSION‘ before 18.00pm (UK time) on 3rd January 2016 and I’ll get back to you personally.
For those further afield who like the sound of RHP Online Fitness Coaching (benefiting from the cutting-edge RHP Training App), I’d also like to say thank you by giving you (or someone else you know that would benefit) a Free 1-Week RHP Training App Experience.
The RHP Training App gives you access to your training & nutrition plan anytime, anywhere, on any device, for individual support to succeed. Watch instructional videos, track your training and body transformation progress stats, schedule workouts and benefit from unlimited support messages with the RHP Training App’s built-in personal messaging function.
Simply email hello@resultshpgym.co.uk with the code ‘FREE RHP TRAINING APP EXPERIENCE‘ before 18.00pm (UK time) on 3rd January 2016 and I’ll get back to you personally.
I wish you the happiest of Christmas periods and a healthy, prosperous 2016.
Speak to you soon and enjoy the best of good food, family and festivity that this time of year brings us.
P.S. – a taster of further announcements due in January 2016…the next 10 RHP Personal Training members and next 10 RHP Online Fitness Coaching clients will get access to current RHP ‘Founding Member’ rates.
P.P.S. – these expire as soon as the next 10 are snapped up – so if you would like to pre-register your interest, simply email hello@resultshpgym.co.uk with the code ‘RHP FOUNDING MEMBER‘ to secure your spot.
Talk to you soon – take care.
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